First (virtual) symposium of IFToMM Cross Disciplinary Group 2 “Young Faculty Group” – Join forces to make own carreer and IFToMM future strong !

The first IFToMM Young Faculty Group Symposium entitled “Emerging Fields in Mechanism and Machine Science” is about to launch and will be held online from 19th to 21th November 2024, each day from 12:00 to 15:00 CET. Each session will consist of 4 to 5 talks on different topics, followed by 15-minute parallel discussions in break-out rooms, allowing for the delegates to choose which discussion to attend.

The IFToMM Young Faculty Group Symposium on Emerging Fields in Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM YFG-MMS) is a single-track, peer-reviewed, symposium designed to foster international networking among young faculty members via a novel format. Each talk is structured in two parts: (1) 5 minutes to introduce the main author, strengths and interests, and (2) 10 to 15 minutes to present the topic covered in the abstract.

The International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) is one of the largest international scientific communities dedicated to the field of mechanism and machine science and its applications. Since its foundation in 1965, its mission has been to bring people from all nationalities and systems together to exchange science and technology as well as to strengthen their international bonds. IFToMM’s Young Faculty Group is a cross-disciplinary group pursuing IFToMM’s mission from within the working core of academia. By summoning young professors and lecturers from all over the world, the group aims at figuring out how to use mechanism and machine science to tackle the academic and technological challenges of the future.

The IFToMM YFG-MMS welcomes talks that address topics on mechanism and machine science and engineering, including biomechanical engineering, computational kinematics, engines and power trains, gearing and transmissions, linkages and mechanical controls, micromachines, multibody dynamics, reliability, robotics and mechatronics, rotor dynamics, sustainable energy systems, transportation machinery, tribology, vibrations, education, standardization of terminology, history of mechanism and machine science, and sustainability.

More details can be found in the symposium website

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