Mission & Organization
IFToMM highly welcomes and ideally supports webinars ignited by its members and its Technical Committees and Permanent Commissions. The policy of IFToMM for webinars is grassroot movement, where the initiative lies on the formidable people shaping and bringing forward mechanism and machine science.
Every member can promote a webinar event and seek patronage from IFToMM. Patronage is issued by allowing the webinar to use the IFToMM logo. As a general rule, at least one Membership Organization and one Technical Committee must have been informed of and approve the conference. However, in some cases exceptions from this can be made for example when a Member Organization celebrates a regional conference, or when a Technical Committee celebrates a topic-specific webinar.
Applications for ideal webinar patronage should be made using the fast-track webinar request form downloadable under IFToMM_Conference-Patronage-Request-Form and by submitting it to conference-affairs@iftomm-world.org.
The Executive Council decides at short term the permission to use the IFToMM logo through its responsible EC member for conference affairs. In critical cases, a discussion in the EC might be necessary before allowing the webinar organizer to use the IFToMM logo.
Member Organizations, Permanent Commissions and Technical Committees are free to organize webinars under the IFToMM umbrella. All others are only permitted to use the IFToMM logo if explicitly allowed to do so by the IFToMM Executive Council.