With the strong demand on flexible manufacturing, versatile operations, and fast-changing application conditions, advanced robotic and machine systems are expected to be smartly reconfigurable to adapt to new needs as part of this evolution. The evolution has led to worldwide research interest in developing reconfigurable mechanisms and robots as representative mechanical intelligent systems which have the ability to change their mobility, configurations, kinematics and dynamics performance for various application scenarios in industrial automation, healthcare, space, field exploration, maintenance, domestic operations, human assisting, and augmentation.
Following successful completion in London (2009), Tianjin (2012), Beijing (2015), Delft (2018), and Toronto (2021), the 6th IEEE/IFToMM International conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR2024) will be held in Chicago, US, on June 24‐27, 2024. We aim at a highly inspiring event by bringing together researchers from a variety of research areas pertaining to reconfigurable mechanisms and robots.
The ReMAR conference has been an IFToMM conference since its launch in 2009 and it serves the IFToMM community with focus on reconfigurable mechanisms, machines and robotics theories.
- Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots
- Planar and Spatial Deployable Mechanisms
- Metamorphic Mechanisms and Robots
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Reconfiguration
- Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
- Engineering Origami
- Variable Topology Modeling
- Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
- Application of Reconfigurable Systems
- Compliant Mechanisms and robots
- Soft Mechanisms and robots
- Morphing mechanisms and applications