Following successful completion in London (2009), Tianjin (2012), Beijing (2015), and Delft (2018), the 5th IEEE/IFToMM International conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR2021) will be held in Toronto, Canada on August 12-14, 2021. We aim at a highly inspiring event by bringing together researchers from a variety of research areas pertaining to reconfigurable mechanisms and robots.
Authors are required to submit a full-length paper, which should not exceed 10 pages. Submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee and selected external reviewers. All accepted papers will be included in conference proceedings published by Springer indexed by EI and selected papers will be further reviewed for publication in special issues of leading international journals (SCI).
- Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots
- Planar and Spatial Deployable Mechanisms
- Metamorphic Mechanisms and Robots
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Reconfiguration
- Reconfigurable Joints
- Engineering Origami
- Variable Topology Modelling
- Bio-inspired Self-Assembly and Growth
- Application of Reconfigurable Systems
- Lamina Emergent, Pop-up, and Compliant Mechanisms
- Morphing mechanisms and applications