MeSRob2025 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners dealing with multi-disciplinary aspects of medical and service robotics and applications in an intimate, collegial and stimulating environment. MeSRob2025 continues a successful series of workshops that has been started in 2012. The Conference will be held at the CNAM-IFMI building in the Faculty of Fundamental and Applied Sciences of the University of Poitiers. The previous sites of this Workshop series were Romania (2012), Serbia (2013), Switzerland (2014), France (2015), Austria (2016), Italy (2018), Sweetland (2020 & 2021) and Romania (2023).
Papers are solicited on topics related with Medical and Service Robotics, including but not limited to: Design of
medical devices Kinematics and Dynamics for medical robotics Exoskeletons and prostheses Anthropomorphic hands
Therapeutic robots and rehabilitation Cognitive robots Humanoid & Service robots Assistive robots and elderly assistance Surgical robots Human-robot interfaces Haptic devices Medical treatments. The Scientific Committee will select papers for presentation at the conference.
- Design of medical devices
- Kinematics and Dynamics for medical robotics
- Exoskeletons and prostheses
- Anthropomorphic hands
- Therapeutic robots and rehabilitation
- Cognitive robots
- Humanoid & Service robots
- Assistive robots and elderly assitance
- Surgical robots
- Human-robot interfaces
- Haptic devices
- Medical treatments