Technical Committee for Multibody Dynamics

Please visit also the link to the special activities of the Technical Committe for Multibody Dynamics at :

link to special Technical Committe activities


Function Name Affiliation
Chair Prof. Francisco González
Universidade da Coruña
Laboratorio de Ingeniería Mecánica - CITENI
Campus Industrial Ferrol
Universidade da Coruña
15403 - Ferrol
Deputy chair Prof. Pascal Ziegler
Universität Stuttgart
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9, 4th Floor
70569 Stuttgart
Chair Secretariat Prof. Xinxin Yu
Tampere University
Automation Technology and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Hervanta Campus of Tampere University
Korkeakoulunkatu 6
33720 Tampere


Name Affiliation
Armenia Prof. Oleg Gasparyan State Engineering University of Armenia
Australia Dr. Ross McAree University of Queensland
Austria Prof. Andreas Müller Johannes Kepler Universität
Belarus Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vladimir B. Algin The Joined Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Brazil Prof. Maira Martins Da Silva University of Sao Paulo
Brazil Prof. Tarcisio-Antonio Hess-Coelho Universidade de Sao Paulo
Canada Prof. Józef Kovecses McGill University
Canada Prof. John McPhee University of Waterloo
China-Beijing Prof. Shuxin Wang Tianjin University
Czech Republic Prof. Michael Valasek Czech Technical University
Czech Republic Prof. Dr. Sc. Jaroslav Zapomel VSB-Technical University of Ostrava
Czech Republic Dr. Pavel Polach Research and Testing Institute Plzen s.r.o
Egypt Prof. Said Megahed Cairo University
Finland Prof. Aki Mikkola Lappeenranta University of Technology
France Dr.-Ing. Belhassen Chedli Bouzgarrou Institut Français de Mécanique Avancée
Germany Prof. Werner Schiehlen Unversity of Stuttgart
Germany Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Seemann Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Germany Dr. Pascal Ziegler University of Stuttgart
Hungary Dr. Gabor Erdos Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Hungary Prof. Gabor Stepan Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Hungary Dr. László Bencsik Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Hungary Dr. Ambrus Zelei Budapest University of Technology and Economics
India Dr. Pushparaj M. Pathak Indian Institute of Technology
India Prof. Subir Kumar Saha Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi
Italy Dr. Giuseppe Carbone University of Calabria
Italy Prof. Rosario Sinatra Universita di Catania
Japan Prof. Yoshiaki Terumichi Sophia University
Kazakhstan Prof. Assylbek Jomartov Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
Mexico Prof. Mario Acevedo Universidad Panamericana
Netherlands Dr. Ir. Arend L. Schwab Delft University of Technology
Poland Prof. Marek Wojtyra Warsaw University of Technology
Poland Prof. Janusz Fraczek Warsaw University of Technology
Portugal Prof. Jorge Ambrosio Technico Lisboa
Portugal Prof. Paulo Flores University of Minho
Slovakia Prof. Hucko Branislav STU
Slovakia Prof. Dr. Stefan Segla Technical University of Liberec
South Korea Prof. Sung-Soo Kim Chungnam National University
South Korea Prof. Wan-Suk Yoo Pusan National University
Spain Prof. Josep M. Font-Llagunes Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Spain Dr. Andres Rovira Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Spain Prof. Jose L. Escalona University of Seville
Spain Dr. Fancisco Javier Gonzalez Varela Universidade da Coruña
Spain Prof. Dr. -Eng. Eduardo Corral Abad Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
USA Prof. Ahmed Shabana University of Illinois at Chicago
USA Prof. Kurt Anderson Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
USA Prof. Olivier Bauchau University of Michigan–Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Institute
United Kingdom Prof. Homer Rahnejat Loughborough University
Vietnam Prof. Nguyen Van Khang Hanoi University of Technology (DHBK)
Vietnam Dr.-Ing. Pham Anh Tuan Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)

Latest News

No car? No problem! Multibody dynamics enables cyber-physical tests of ePowertrain motors at Universidade da Coruña

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A History of Kinematics from Zeno to Einstein by Teun Koetsier

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The first Springer MMS series book from MO Türkiye by Prof. Eres Söylemez

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The video of the first-ever IFToMM Webinar by Prof. Teun Koetsier is available for the viewers!

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First Free Access to Springer Conference Proceedings – 11th IFToMM International Conference on Rotordynamics

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University of Craiova awarded an honoris causa doctoral degree to Prof. Giuseppe Carbone

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Lagrange Award – Multibody System Dynamics Outstanding PhD Thesis Prize 2023 now open for applications!

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Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Prof. Giuseppe CARBONE (Chair of IFToMM TC on Robotics and Mec...

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The first IFToMM book on engines and powertrains is authored by the members of three Technical Committees

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Deadlines to keep in mind

10th Summer School on Screw Theory


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TMM 2024


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10th Summer School on Screw Theory


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MAMM 2024


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