Technical Committee for Gearing and Transmissions

Mission & Organization
Text to be added
Function | Name | Affiliation |
Chair |
Prof. Frank Schäfer
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) |
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW)
Department Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering Design and Plastics Technology Berliner Tor 21 20099 Hamburg GERMANY |
Deputy chair |
Prof. Yaping Zhao
Northeastern University China |
Northeastern University China
Department Mechanical Engineering and Automation No.11 Lane 3, Wenhua Road, Heping District Shenyang, 110819 CHINA |
Name | Affiliation |
Belarus | Prof. Dr. Techn. Sc. Victor E. Starzhinsky |
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
Belarus | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vladimir B. Algin |
The Joined Institute of Mechanical Engineering |
Bulgaria | Prof. Ognyan Alipiev |
Technical University of Ruse |
Bullgaria | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kiril B. Arnaudov |
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Canada | Prof. Clement Gosselin |
Université Laval |
Canada | Prof. John R. Colbourne |
University of Alberta |
China-Beijing | Prof. Dr. Yaping Zhao |
Northeastern University |
China-Beijing | Prof. Xiaoling Wu |
Zhengzhou University |
China-Beijing | Prof. Dr. Datong Qin |
Chongqing University |
China-Taipei | Prof. Zhang-Hua Fong |
National Chung Cheng University |
China-Taipei | Prof. Yu-Ren Wu | National Central University |
Czech Republic | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Dupal |
West Czech Technical University |
Czech Republic | Prof. Josef Penkava |
Uiversity of West Bohemia |
France | Dr. Louis Faure |
Compagnie Engrenage & Reducteurs Messian – Durand |
France | Dr. Michael Octrue |
Institut de l’engrenage et des transmissions |
Germany | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Robert Höhn |
TU München |
Germany | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dr. h. c. Karl-Heinz Modler |
Technische Universität Dresden |
Hungary | Prof. DSc. Vilmos Simon |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
India | Prof. K. Lingaiah | University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore |
India | P. M. Nityanandan |
Gears India (Madras) Pvt. Ltd |
Italy | Prof. Carlo Gorla |
Politecnico di Milano |
Italy | Prof. Dr. Eng. Domenico Mundo |
University of Calabria |
Italy | Prof. Giovanni Mimmi |
Universitа degli studi di Pavia |
Japan | Naoyuki Tanaka |
Hitachi, Ltd |
Japan | Prof. Dr. Eng. Ichiro Moriwaki |
Kyoto Institute of Technology |
Japan | Prof. Haruo Houjoh |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Kazakhstan | Prof. Konstantin Ivanov |
Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications |
Lebanon | Prof. Rany Rizk |
Lebanese University |
Non-MO | Prof. Jaques Sprengers | Prof. Emeritus, US |
Poland | Prof. Jaroslaw Szrek |
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
Poland | Prof. Antoni Gronowicz |
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology |
Poland | Prof. PhD. DSc. Stanislaw Zawislak |
University of Bielsko-Biała |
Russia | Prof. Sergey Lagutin | Electrostal Plant of Heavy Machines |
Russia | Prof. Dr. Sc. Veniamin Goldfarb |
Izhevsk State Technical University |
Serbia and Montenegro | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vojislav Miltenovic | University "St. Cyril and Methodius Skopje |
Slovakia | Prof. S. Kral | STU |
Slovenia | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jozef Vizintin |
University of Ljubljana |
Spain | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfonso Fuentes |
Polytechnic University of Cartagena |
Spain | Prof. Jose Ignacio Pedrero Moya |
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia |
Spain | Prof. Dr. Carlos Garcia-Masia |
Campus Universitario Muralla del Mar |
USA | Prof. Ahmet Kahraman |
Ohio State University |
USA | William Bradley |
American Gear Manufacturers Association |
USA | Dr. Neil Anderson |
General Motors Corporation |
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