Technical Committee for Engines and Powertrains

Mission & Organization
Facilitating international contacts and fostering cooperation in the area of engines and powertrains between researchers and engineers working at universities, research centers, and industrial companies, to bring theory and practice closer together.
Promoting the exchange of information on the topics related to engines and powertrains.
Establishing cooperation with those IFToMM Technical Committees and Permanent Commissions who are already active in the topics related to engines and powertrains or who would like to be involved.
Starting a dialog with professional organizations and engineering societies having engine and powertrain divisions, seeking bilaterally beneficial cooperation.
Participating in IFToMM congresses, conferences, symposiums, and other events and activities.
Organizing IFToMM sponsored specialized conferences, workshops, and other events on engines and powertrains, also in cooperation with other Technical Committees.
Publishing in IFToMM-affiliated journals and book series, and also review them.
Contributing to the improvement of the existing industrial norms, rules, requirements, standards, and procedures related to engines and powertrains, and the development of new ones.
IFToMM Sponsored Book
Advances in Engine and Powertrain Research and Technology
Design ▪ Simulation ▪ Testing ▪ Manufacturing
Tigran Parikyan (Editor)
Springer, 2022.
IFToMM Events Supported by the TC
2nd International Conference and Exhibition “MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS: Design, Simulation, Testing, Manufacturing”, September 17-19, 2025, Yerevan, Armenia.
16th IFToMM World Congress
November 5–9, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
I4SDG 2023
2nd IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals Workshop
June 22.-23., 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
I4SDG 2021
1st IFToMM for Sustainable Development Goals Workshop
25.- 26.11.2021, Online.
15th IFToMM World Congress
June 30 – July 4, 2019, Krakow, Poland
1st International Conference “MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS: Design, Simulation, Testing, Manufacturing”, September 17-19, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia.
Function | Name | Affiliation |
Chair |
Dr. Tigran Parikyan |
AVL List GmbH, Advanced Simulation Technologies
Name | Affiliation |
*Observer | Prof. Aly El-Shafei |
Cairo University & RITEC, Egypt |
*Observer |
Dr. Andrei Lipatnikov |
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden |
Brazil | Dr.-Ing. Alexandre Schalch Mendes |
University of Campinas |
China-Beijing | Prof. Jiewei Lin | Tianjin University |
Croatia | Prof. Darko Kozarac |
University of Zagreb |
Czech Republic | Dr. Pavel Novotný |
Brno University of Technology |
Finland | Dr. Timo Holopainen |
ABB Helsinki |
France | Prof. Didier Rémond |
INSA Lyon |
Greece | Prof. Stamatis Kalligeros |
Hellenic Naval Academy |
India | Prof. Avinash Kumar Agarwal |
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Italy | Prof. Enrico Galvagno |
Politecnico di Torino |
Japan | Dr. Ratnak Sok | Waseda University, Tokyo |
Russia | Prof. Sergey Frolov |
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Slovenia | Prof. Dr. Tomaz Katrasnik |
University of Ljubljana |
Spain | Prof. José Serrano | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Switzerland | Dipl.-Ing. Ilias Papadimitriou |
GF Casting Solutions AG |
UK |
Prof. Stephanos Theodossiades |
Loughborough University |
USA | Dr. Madhu Raghavan |
General Motors R&D Center |
USA | Dr. Charbel Mansour | Argonne National Laboratory |
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