Józef Wojnarowski

* 03.04.1933

It is with great regret that we announce that Professor Józef Wojnarowski, multiple doctor honoris causa, passed away on 22 September 2023.

Józef Bolesław Wojnarowski (born on 3 April 1933 in Stary Sącz, Poland) – scientist, retired full professor- was also doctor honoris causa of the Donieck University of Technology and Łódź University of Technology. He created the Polish scientific school in the fields of, among other things, theory of machines and mechanisms, theoretical and applied mechanics, machine dynamics and mechatronics, and was a specialist in the area of mathematics called graph theory. For many years, he was an academic teacher at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He was highly respected and valued in the scientific community in Poland and abroad. He organised a number of national and international conferences and he sat on scientific committees of conferences organised by foreign scientific institutions. Professor Wojnarowski’s greatest academic achievements included the promotion of 19 doctors of technical sciences; ten of his students obtained the “habilitacja” degree and six of them the title of professor. He supervised hundreds of BSc degrees. Results of research he participated-in were published in over 525 papers in the form of articles in journals and conference materials, scientific dissertations, academic textbooks. He was co-author of five patents and member of the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences. An outstanding scientist, a devoted academic teacher, a man of great knowledge, vast experience, organiser of science, tutor of many generations of students and doctoral students has passed away. The Polish Academy of Science and the whole of IFToMM Community mourn deeply for the loss of this great scientist who was an ideal for ongoing and future generations.

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