Mission & Organization
The Cross-Disciplinary “IFToMM Graduate Student’s Group” seeks to join graduate students (PhD, Master) from all the world involved in topics covered by IFToMM and to unveil the opportunities, networks, challenges, and enthralling topics arising from the research fields of IFToMM, and by this attracting researcher to join the worldwide IFToMM quest for the better technology of the future. Possible fields of activities are workshops with information and experience exchange, presentation of thesis topics and their challenges – including not yet solved endeavors – and networking across world borders for becoming a “family” with common visions, dreams and worries.
Function | Name | Affiliation |
Chair |
Zexin Shan Tokyo Institute of Technology shan.z.aa@m.titech.ac.jp |
Nakamura – Endo Lab Mechanical Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan 226-8503 |
Deputy chair |
Louis Guigon Sigma Clermont / University of Duisburg-Essen louis.guigon@sigma-clermont.fr |
Institut Pascal Sigma Clermont Clermont Ferrand FRANCE / Chair for Mechanics and Robotics University of Duisburg-Essen GERMANY |
Name | Affiliation |
France | Hyunjun BAE | Institut Pascal |